PAAZA Junior Conservation Club (PJCC)

The activities PAAZA created for the PJCC were eagerly engaged with by the Juniors and well received by their Parents ?. The ‘Best Spotter’ competition yielded an amazing 802 different pictures of invertebrates and reptiles spotted by 17 children – an amazing feat! What started as just an activity turned into a full time “What is this Sophie” activity for our resident Scientist. In the end, it was difficult to know who was more engaged, the children or Sophie ? All in all, the children had an enormous amount of fun and in the end, an enormous amount of knowledge was gained by everyone.

The proud winners with their prizes and certificates are:

Miane   Logan   Heinrich

       Miané Le Grange – 1025pts                                     Logan Scott – 851pts                               Heindrich Volschenk – 625pts

        (our youngest member ?)

Following on the success of the ‘Best Spotter’ competition, Sophie developed a whole new activity for the PJCC for 2021 – ‘Nature Passport. This is a combination of acquiring knowledge whilst having fun with outdoor activities and through short videos created under the PAAZA banner.

We will run the ‘Best Spotter’ competition again later in 2021 with a different group of living beings. 

The first beach clean-up took place on Valentines day 2021 and although only attended by 4 juniors, they managed 9 black bags of rubbish and had a lot of fun ?:

PHOTO 2021 02 16 18 56 55    PHOTO 2021 02 16 19 20 09

One of the PJCC team, Kyle, also had a wonderful experience during the end of year holiday when he and his family visited Cango Wildlife Ranch:



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“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” - Paul Oxton

If happiness consist in the number of pleasing emotions that occupy our mind, how true it is that the contemplation of nature is one of the great sources of happiness.” - Thomas Belt, Naturalist.


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