In order to meet the modern day requirements and particularly the WAZA 2023 Animal Welfare goal, PAAZA is Evolving.

This is being achieved by the amalgamation of the old Accreditation (voluntary) and Operational Standard (mandatory) to the new Operational Accreditation which is mandatory for ALL Members and was ratified at the 29th PAAZA AGM.

The core of the new Operational Accreditation is Animal Welfare (note: care is not welfare - it is an integral part of Welfare) and strives to meet the WAZA requirements for Regional Association members.

ALL PAAZA members whether previously Accredited or Operationally compliant, will be required to undergo the Operational Accreditation process. Given the 'New Normal', PAAZA had to rethink the audit process in order to offer this service to the 'Wildlife in a Controlled Environment' profession and has done this by going virtual with audit assessments. 

PAAZA only has ONE 'Member' category which is defined as: Operationally Compliant (will have passed the Operational Accreditation process) and is current with membership fees. Below is a list of Current Compliant (those who were either Accredited or passed Operational Standard) Members. All other valued PAAZA supporters are classified as various 'Partners'.

OPERATIONALLY ACCREDITED as at        31 July 2024


SAAMBR                                                 SOUTH AFRICA         

Cango Wildlife Ranch                               SOUTH AFRICA         


Johannesburg Zoo                                 SOUTH AFRICA  

 Pafos Zoo                                           CYPRUS                                                 


Uganda Wildlife Education Centre           UGANDA                            



Partners - striving for Operational Accreditation  

Bayworld (PE Museum)                        SOUTH AFRICA                 

Endofaun Zoo                                      SOUTH AFRICA 


Casela                                        MAURITIUS         

Giza Zoological Gardens                          EGYPT    

Lory Park Animal & Owl sanctuary               SOUTH AFRICA     

Cheetah Outreach

South Africa

 National Zoological Gardens of South Africa                                                 SOUTH AFRICA             


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“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” - Paul Oxton

If happiness consist in the number of pleasing emotions that occupy our mind, how true it is that the contemplation of nature is one of the great sources of happiness.” - Thomas Belt, Naturalist.


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