Operational Accreditation

Operational Accreditation goes Virtual

Operational Accreditation

Although the pandemic has re-arranged what was ‘normal’, the ‘Wildlife In a Controlled Environment’ sub-sector still has to maintain top class animal welfare and comply with Operational Accreditation and to meet the WAZA 2023 goal.

To further assist facilities economically and to ensure that standards are met and maintained, PAAZA has converted the Operational Accreditation to an online platform.

The online system does NOT differ in content from the Operational Accreditation process as ratified at the 29th AGM of PAAZA. It is merely the implementation.

This has been possible through collaboration with ZAA (Australasia) and DZS (Detroit) to address the Accreditation and animal welfare needs of facilities under the 'New Norm'. JohnW was very privileged to be invited to attend the 3 week DZS “From Good Care to Great Welfare” workshop and to numerous interactive discussions with ZAA on 5 Domains and welfare assessments. Not only does the new online process benefit facilities throughout Africa, but thanks to the magic of PAAZA's scientist, Sophie, the process for the Auditors has been greatly improved.

The online process obviates the need to send Audit teams to a facility thus saving the facility a huge financial investment. Auditors will only be despatched to a facility if any 'red flags' or complaints are raised. 

The new process is presently undergoing a ‘live trial’ within Africa. Once the Audit team have evaluated the new process, all facilities will be sent details on how to engage with and implement the process.

In addition to the PAAZA developement, PAAZA in conjunction with ZAA are presently piloting the WAZA Welfare Assessment tool. PAAZA and ZAA have been involved with this process since the inception of the WAZA 2023 Welfare goal to establish a global baseline for members through WAZA Regional Associations. 

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